Summer As Oxbridge Preparation

Me at Porthcawl beach for the day
 I know, I know. It's the summer! All you want to do is catch up on the Netflix you missed, bask in the glorious sunshine, possibly visit a beach or two, and, most importantly sleep!
    But alas, for Oxbridge applications the work has just begun. I really recommend starting to look into universities and course over the summer because if you want to apply the deadline is the 15th October, and if you only start in September that leaves very little time when trying to fit it around school work and just general life. 
    I'm not at all suggesting you spend your days slaving over your computer, researching the minutiae of university courses, accommodation etc etc but it might be wise to decide what universities and courses you prefer and look into your options. Maybe narrow it down to more than 5 and then later on narrow it down again. If you're not sure how to choose between Oxford or Cambridge check out my tips here
    It's also really useful to start your personal statement. Nothing too polished, maybe just some bullet points of what you might like to include so that you have a starting point to discuss with teachers and mentors when you return to school in September. When I was applying my school really encouraged me to start early so there was plenty of time to tinker and polish in a relaxed fashion. Some of my friends' family members who have since applied have left it quite last minute and the whole process descended into a confused panic and I can assure you, that's the last thing you want for something as important as a uni application.  
    Even if you've missed the summer open days there are more opportunities to visit universities in September and if you can, make the most of it. Having already started thinking about your application will help you go on these visits armed with specific and pertinent questions which will enable you to get the most out of the experience.

No.11 Norham Gardens where all St Benet's freshers stay on a 
beautiful sunny day

Some things to think about:
  • What course do I want to study?
  • Where do I want to be in relation to home?
  • Do any of my courses need extra stuff like tests, work sent in?
  • Do I need to register and do anything by a certain date?
  • What do I want from my university experience?
    • Big social scene?
    • Sports?
    • In the middle of a city or more on the outskirts?
    • What are the extra-curriculars like?
    • Can I live in hall for my degree?
    • Whats the food/accommodation like?

The pictures in this post were not taken by me. All rights belong to the respective owners. I take no credit or ownership of these images


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