Me and Thais a DPhil student dressed up in the
same blouse and gowns for a special
Guest Night Formal
   What is the JCR? Before I came to Oxford I really didn't know. Through my research I'd hear it thrown around but I didn't really understand what it's role was or if I could even get involved. But having been here for 2 terms now I'm a bit wiser.

The JCR is essentially a student representative body, it stands for Junior Common Room in most colleges, there also being a MCR for post grads, but in Benet's the J stands for Joint because we're so small and also because we pride ourselves on being very inclusive and one pretty big and messy family!

The JCR is responsible for student representation and can therefore have meetings to propose and implement changes to the hall, they also organise social events, welfare and generally provide a communication channel between students and college staff. All students are members of their JCR with elected students representing on the committee. 

At Benet's the committee is made up of President, Secretary, and Treasurer who are all elected by the rest of the JCR. Other posts such as LGBTQ+, BAME, welfare, women, sports etc are applied and to and then chosen.

At Benet's we  had our JCR elections at the end of Hilary to decide on a new committee starting in Trinity and going on into next year.

I put myself forward for President, a bold move for a first year, although in most colleges that is the case. At Benet's however the most recent presidents had been 2nd years going into 3rd year so I really wasn't sure of my chances.

My Spring desk on a rainy day

Anyway, I asked around the college, trying to find out what kind of issues people found most pressing and seeing what I though the hall needed to do and then I prepared a 5 minute speech which I gave in the hustings. My speech was then followed by questions which were put to both candidates and then voting took place a few days later.

It was a really nerve-wracking experience and I really wasn't sure what the results would be however the day came and the results were sent out that evening and they revealed I had in fact won!

I was quite shocked and after the initial flurry of congratulations the work started; setting up for our end of term part, putting a committee together. I know there's a lot of other work that needs doing and I don't know how good I'll be but I'm excited to give it my best shot... even if through the tough Corona virus situation!


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